Grandma Mattie

Saturday, September 15, 2012

A Tribute to My Sweetheart, Ron

The things I observe you do

Endear me each day to you.

Even more as time goes by

It’s the little things, You go the extra mile.

You show you love me by doing little things with thought,

Or all the times you bring me beautiful flowers you have bought.

Roses, carnations, daisies or mums, Oh, My!

You attend me with my every need—or you massage my feet.

I love your sweet kisses, smiles and familiar wink,

You tell me often that you love me or wash the dishes in the sink.

You are also such a gentleman to open my doors,

And you take extra care to mop and sweep the floors.

We sometimes enjoy many of the same foods,

A cup of cottage cheese, or a bowl of beans just fresh out of the crock too.

We laugh, we tease and have fun,

And work each day to be unified and be one.

We have morning and evening couple's prayer,

And a day without reading scriptures together is rare.

I love you all the more or nudge you even once in a while when you snore. ; )

You are so patient, and always willing to go get something we forgot at the store—

You weed, water and tend the yard and garden.

Everything looks in tip-top shape and it is never a burden.

Ron, my Love--I love everything about you as you stand so tall,

To bless me, love me, and that’s not all,

You are so kind and caring to our children too,

They are all so pleased and happy for me and for you,

They tell us we are like “two peas in a pod,”

“A match made in Heaven," I'd say, "and such a wonderful blessing from God.”

Love, Anna xoxo's

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