Carlos and Elena 1948
Every once in a while I have a feeling come over me that I am loved so much and my parents are close by. A thought will trigger in my mind and heart and as I recall those thoughts, the memories flood my mid.
It happened today. It was so real and I was overcome with emotion and felt the LOVE my mother and dad feel for me as they did in life. A visit or phone call from them or to them would be similar to those tender feelings I felt today. It was a tender mercy and I am so thankful for those feelings.
My mission today: A goal or "mission" daily to accomplish a purpose to better cope with life experience. Whether it is about relationships, or emotional stability, it is needed to bless the lives I touch as an individual, parent, grandmother, friend. Recently I had a request from one of my children who asked about his ancestors and suggested I write about it here. The result could be the Second Book of Anna.

Grandma Mattie
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
It's Been A Dream Come to Reality
Family group with us as we were set apart by our Stake President today. We received a very nice blessing that will sustain us and help us as we teach and share the Gospel with the members and friends of the Church. We will be attending a Spanish speaking branch. We look forward to being involved with them and help any way we can.
Just a quick picture taken on our iPhone. We really need to get a better "official" photo of us now that we are set apart.
Just a quick picture taken on our iPhone. We really need to get a better "official" photo of us now that we are set apart.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Called to Serve
Ron and I have received and accepted a call to serve in the Washington Kennewick Mission. We get to live at home this time. We will report to the Missionary Training Center (MTC) in Provo, Utah, on Oct. 8, 2012 and will be there around 1 week. We will be in Utah a week or so before we go to the MTC.
Then we will come back up to Washington where we will have the opportunity to work with one of the Spanish speaking congregations here in the Tri-Cities. We will be working with mainly new members in leadership training and ministering to their temporal and spiritual needs.
We, as Senior couple missionaries do not go out proselytizing like the young missionaries. The young Elders will take it from there. We plan to serve for a year or so, then take some time off for some travel, then maybe go again. Perhaps to Mexico next time). Fun and exciting times ahead for us!
Our picture was taken by one of the office couples at the luncheon the other day. We have met the other Senior couples and we have already been able to become friends. This is already such a blessed experience. We love our mission President and Sister Greer. They are great leaders and examples and have so much love and make us feel so valued in the mission already. They let us know how much we are appreciated for whatever we do and know they love each of us as missionaries.
The new groups that just came in this week are amazing. They are ALL so eager to learn and contribute to the work here. It is so comforting to see them all so dedicated to the work. We are glad to be a part of this work and a blessing to be where we are at this time.
Ron and I both feel it is an honor and privilege to be Called to Serve, and 'bring the world His Truth. We have our setting apart on Sunday, September 23. We look forward to the next several days to get ready and drive down to Utah. See you all soon.
Then we will come back up to Washington where we will have the opportunity to work with one of the Spanish speaking congregations here in the Tri-Cities. We will be working with mainly new members in leadership training and ministering to their temporal and spiritual needs.
We, as Senior couple missionaries do not go out proselytizing like the young missionaries. The young Elders will take it from there. We plan to serve for a year or so, then take some time off for some travel, then maybe go again. Perhaps to Mexico next time). Fun and exciting times ahead for us!
Our picture was taken by one of the office couples at the luncheon the other day. We have met the other Senior couples and we have already been able to become friends. This is already such a blessed experience. We love our mission President and Sister Greer. They are great leaders and examples and have so much love and make us feel so valued in the mission already. They let us know how much we are appreciated for whatever we do and know they love each of us as missionaries.
The new groups that just came in this week are amazing. They are ALL so eager to learn and contribute to the work here. It is so comforting to see them all so dedicated to the work. We are glad to be a part of this work and a blessing to be where we are at this time.
Ron and I both feel it is an honor and privilege to be Called to Serve, and 'bring the world His Truth. We have our setting apart on Sunday, September 23. We look forward to the next several days to get ready and drive down to Utah. See you all soon.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
On An Errand For The Lord
Our Mission President, President Greer
Elder's on their way--
Ron, leaving on the Lord's errand to the Dalles,Oregon.
The transfers and moving missionaries is a major project every six weeks for them. Our mission president asked us if we could help with the transportation and needed man power to facilitate the moves. Ron's assignment was to tow the U-Haul with the luggage and bikes to the Dalles. I got a few snapshots of them before they left.
I stayed and went to the temple while Ron drove the missionaries. I was able to do some family work and felt a peace and had a sense of accomplishment.
Elder's on their way--
Ron, leaving on the Lord's errand to the Dalles,Oregon.
The transfers and moving missionaries is a major project every six weeks for them. Our mission president asked us if we could help with the transportation and needed man power to facilitate the moves. Ron's assignment was to tow the U-Haul with the luggage and bikes to the Dalles. I got a few snapshots of them before they left.
I stayed and went to the temple while Ron drove the missionaries. I was able to do some family work and felt a peace and had a sense of accomplishment.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Staying on the Right Track
God's iPad--Text messages
Our mission president has asked us if we could help out with some of the tasks as we are available to help.
We went to a meeting this morning at the mission office to get assignments for service needed with the transfers and process. Our assignment was to pick up an elder in Kennewick this afternoon.
We like being there and see President Greer in action. He has a huge responsibility and has some talents and able Assistants to make the mission work well. It is impressive to see the elders take charge and support their leader. It is refreshing to me to see these young men be so responsible in their callings.
Ron checked the address and how we should get there. We arranged to pick the elder up in East Kennewick at 5:30 to be at the mission home at 6:00. We seemed to get lost with the map and instructions according to how the map showed where to go.
It began to be evident that we were not getting to where we were supposed to be. We called the elder and he redirected us. I told Ron that he could probably direct us a faster way to get back. We took a freeway route and only got him there about twenty minutes later. It took us about 40 minutes to get there and only about 15 minutes to get to the mission home.
There is more than likely an easier way, one that is more direct as long as we choose to follow the right road to begin. What a lesson of life.
Our mission president has asked us if we could help out with some of the tasks as we are available to help.
We went to a meeting this morning at the mission office to get assignments for service needed with the transfers and process. Our assignment was to pick up an elder in Kennewick this afternoon.
We like being there and see President Greer in action. He has a huge responsibility and has some talents and able Assistants to make the mission work well. It is impressive to see the elders take charge and support their leader. It is refreshing to me to see these young men be so responsible in their callings.
Ron checked the address and how we should get there. We arranged to pick the elder up in East Kennewick at 5:30 to be at the mission home at 6:00. We seemed to get lost with the map and instructions according to how the map showed where to go.
It began to be evident that we were not getting to where we were supposed to be. We called the elder and he redirected us. I told Ron that he could probably direct us a faster way to get back. We took a freeway route and only got him there about twenty minutes later. It took us about 40 minutes to get there and only about 15 minutes to get to the mission home.
There is more than likely an easier way, one that is more direct as long as we choose to follow the right road to begin. What a lesson of life.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
A Tribute to My Sweetheart, Ron
The things I observe you do
Endear me each day to you.
Even more as time goes by
It’s the little things, You go the extra mile.
You show you love me by doing little things with thought,
Or all the times you bring me beautiful flowers you have bought.
Roses, carnations, daisies or mums, Oh, My!
You attend me with my every need—or you massage my feet.
I love your sweet kisses, smiles and familiar wink,
You tell me often that you love me or wash the dishes in the sink.
You are also such a gentleman to open my doors,
And you take extra care to mop and sweep the floors.
We sometimes enjoy many of the same foods,
A cup of cottage cheese, or a bowl of beans just fresh out of the crock too.
We laugh, we tease and have fun,
And work each day to be unified and be one.
We have morning and evening couple's prayer,
And a day without reading scriptures together is rare.
I love you all the more or nudge you even once in a while when you snore. ; )
You are so patient, and always willing to go get something we forgot at the store—
You weed, water and tend the yard and garden.
Everything looks in tip-top shape and it is never a burden.
Ron, my Love--I love everything about you as you stand so tall,
To bless me, love me, and that’s not all,
You are so kind and caring to our children too,
They are all so pleased and happy for me and for you,
They tell us we are like “two peas in a pod,”
“A match made in Heaven," I'd say, "and such a wonderful blessing from God.”
Love, Anna xoxo's
Saturday, September 8, 2012
A Simple Gesture, Cherished Memory
I must be on a roll here. This morning Ron was asked to take Shannon, Tom and three of the kids to the airport early. They are going to spend a week in Orlando on a family vacation to Disney World. What an adventure! Ron will go pick them up when they come back Sunday late in the evening.
We had breakfast when he came back. Ron fixed our meal of soft boiled eggs over a toasted waffle, with raspberry jam and whipped cream. We visited about his morning drive to the airport. It brought memories of the many times I flew into see my parents in California and my parents or just my Dad would be there at the airport waiting for me. I could depend on my Dad to be there at any hour of the day, no matter what, HE WAS THERE! I appreciated it then and even more now about Dad. I appreciate Ron too and his qualities that he has as well as the ones Carlos has and had.
I know my Dad (and Mother) still pray for me, us and our family. They are aware of what we do here on earth and very much interested in our lives today. I have a firm conviction that they are sometimes assigned as our Guardian Angels when we pray for help, which is why it is important to be specific in what we ask for so they can better serve us.
We had breakfast when he came back. Ron fixed our meal of soft boiled eggs over a toasted waffle, with raspberry jam and whipped cream. We visited about his morning drive to the airport. It brought memories of the many times I flew into see my parents in California and my parents or just my Dad would be there at the airport waiting for me. I could depend on my Dad to be there at any hour of the day, no matter what, HE WAS THERE! I appreciated it then and even more now about Dad. I appreciate Ron too and his qualities that he has as well as the ones Carlos has and had.
I know my Dad (and Mother) still pray for me, us and our family. They are aware of what we do here on earth and very much interested in our lives today. I have a firm conviction that they are sometimes assigned as our Guardian Angels when we pray for help, which is why it is important to be specific in what we ask for so they can better serve us.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Remembering Carlos
Carlos, my Dad, and aka to those who remember him as Grandpa Carlos. *
This is Carlos as a young father, and entrepeneur. He was in sales and worked very hard and long hours in his profession. He sold Wear Ever aluminum cookware. His father suggested when he was younger to speak and enunciate his words. He encouraged him to take a Dale Carnegie course, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
Carlos was able to communicate well with others, whether in business or friendship. Many people commented to me how personable he was and his ability to talk to them. He was comfortable in getting to know people with whom he met, new or past friends.
His father encouraged him to join Toastmasters. It is a club where people learn how to communicate in public speaking. He suggested I join, and at the time, son Hank was already a member of that club. I attended a few meetings and witnessed with my Dad some of Hank's competitions in Toastmaster. Had I joined there would have been three generations of Toastmasters in the family. I was busy and going to UVU and BYU so I didn't have the luxury of taking that on as well. I know Hank benefited from participation in Toastmasters.
* Sept 7, is the anniversary of Carlos' transition from mortality. I wanted to pay a short tribute to him today.
This is Carlos as a young father, and entrepeneur. He was in sales and worked very hard and long hours in his profession. He sold Wear Ever aluminum cookware. His father suggested when he was younger to speak and enunciate his words. He encouraged him to take a Dale Carnegie course, "How to Win Friends and Influence People."
Carlos was able to communicate well with others, whether in business or friendship. Many people commented to me how personable he was and his ability to talk to them. He was comfortable in getting to know people with whom he met, new or past friends.
His father encouraged him to join Toastmasters. It is a club where people learn how to communicate in public speaking. He suggested I join, and at the time, son Hank was already a member of that club. I attended a few meetings and witnessed with my Dad some of Hank's competitions in Toastmaster. Had I joined there would have been three generations of Toastmasters in the family. I was busy and going to UVU and BYU so I didn't have the luxury of taking that on as well. I know Hank benefited from participation in Toastmasters.
* Sept 7, is the anniversary of Carlos' transition from mortality. I wanted to pay a short tribute to him today.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
The Beauty of Nurturing the Spirit
Today Ron and I went to Rufus, Oregon for him to do some work at the trial variety plot. He just needed to weed the perimeter and clear the noxious weeds in the path of the border of the plot.
The weather was great, in the mid 70s. We had lunch and drove on home. It took about 2 hours to get there. We were there about two hours, then two hours back.
I used that drive time to read to Ron and enjoyed some biographical sketches of "Fathers of Faith "in the Church and their lives. Some of the stories were about Elder Grant Bangerter, Spencer W Kimball, Bruce R McConkie, C. Max Caldwell, Gordon B Hinckley. The accounts of their lives were some that were uncommon and written by their sons or daughters.
We loved these personal glimpses of their lives and how they taught by their example. Their examples were a testament of faithful, powerful priesthood holders. We read at night the lives of "Women of Character," Both books are uplifting and enlightening. They feed our spirits and helps us focus.
We are grateful for the time to get to prepare and grow spiritually in the meantime.
The weather was great, in the mid 70s. We had lunch and drove on home. It took about 2 hours to get there. We were there about two hours, then two hours back.
I used that drive time to read to Ron and enjoyed some biographical sketches of "Fathers of Faith "in the Church and their lives. Some of the stories were about Elder Grant Bangerter, Spencer W Kimball, Bruce R McConkie, C. Max Caldwell, Gordon B Hinckley. The accounts of their lives were some that were uncommon and written by their sons or daughters.
We loved these personal glimpses of their lives and how they taught by their example. Their examples were a testament of faithful, powerful priesthood holders. We read at night the lives of "Women of Character," Both books are uplifting and enlightening. They feed our spirits and helps us focus.
We are grateful for the time to get to prepare and grow spiritually in the meantime.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
The Countdown--"Thirty Days Hath September"
The month of September is very significant for us. The first day of September we received our mission call. It made us realize the time we have to get ready and prepare for our time as missionaries. We sent off our acceptance letter to our mission call to the First Presidency. We said, "It is an honor to answer this call with full purpose of heart and dedicate ourselves to our Savior, Jesus Christ... it will be an honor to be called 'one of the Lord's missionaries to bring the world his truth."
It occurs to me that what do we do to in the meantime "to live in the world and not of it?" I understand now more than ever that it is to put aside the worldly entertainment, the talk shows on the radio, the political programs, etc. I have willingly made the choices to listen minimally to Rush Limbaugh. It is a big thing, but know that is what is right.
We listen to Conference talks instead of the radio and find more satisfaction in our days and know the words of the brethren are like listening to scripture. We love the messages and edify us at the same time.
It has helped us in our spiritual preparations. Our routine daily scripture study is an important part of our day. Our morning and evening couples prayers also add to our preparedness. We have developed that at least and have room to improve as we have instructions to read and study, "Preach My Gospel" and the MTC. We will spend a week of missionary training when we enter there.
We are willing to further the work in building the kingdom here in the vineyard around us. There will be many missionary moments to bear our testimonies and help strengthen the members where we serve. Our mission president, President Leonard Greer is anxiously waiting for us to be ready to serve.
Our president has already asked us to participate with the missionary transfers and changes in mid-September. We are also get to meet some of the other senior couples and attend the temple with them just before we head down to Utah. We will be set apart by then by our stake president, so when we go down to the MTC, we will be just like the younger missionaries. Official missionaries!
We don't know yet is we are speaking in Church yet. We should find out by Sunday what the bishop tells us about that. We will keep you posted.
It occurs to me that what do we do to in the meantime "to live in the world and not of it?" I understand now more than ever that it is to put aside the worldly entertainment, the talk shows on the radio, the political programs, etc. I have willingly made the choices to listen minimally to Rush Limbaugh. It is a big thing, but know that is what is right.
We listen to Conference talks instead of the radio and find more satisfaction in our days and know the words of the brethren are like listening to scripture. We love the messages and edify us at the same time.
It has helped us in our spiritual preparations. Our routine daily scripture study is an important part of our day. Our morning and evening couples prayers also add to our preparedness. We have developed that at least and have room to improve as we have instructions to read and study, "Preach My Gospel" and the MTC. We will spend a week of missionary training when we enter there.
We are willing to further the work in building the kingdom here in the vineyard around us. There will be many missionary moments to bear our testimonies and help strengthen the members where we serve. Our mission president, President Leonard Greer is anxiously waiting for us to be ready to serve.
Our president has already asked us to participate with the missionary transfers and changes in mid-September. We are also get to meet some of the other senior couples and attend the temple with them just before we head down to Utah. We will be set apart by then by our stake president, so when we go down to the MTC, we will be just like the younger missionaries. Official missionaries!
We don't know yet is we are speaking in Church yet. We should find out by Sunday what the bishop tells us about that. We will keep you posted.
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