We had our first six month anniversary around the same time I came back from Cincinnati. We had so much energy toward Michael's recovery we didn't make any note of it on my blog entries.
It was on my mind and thought to post something now. I gave Ron an anniversary card and will post it here. It was kind of cute and funny too.
There was a lovely bouquet of flowers for me when I got home. Some beautiful bright hot pink daisy-like flowers. Maybe they are mums, but beautiful. It made me feel so special and loved with the Easter lily plant as well. Both flowers are doing well and still holding up.
I am so happy to be with my husband and go places together. I look forward to our outings, whether it is to go to Oregon with his field work, or go to Wal-Mart. It is a joy and adventure to be sitting next to him or have him take my hand as he opens my door in the car or truck. He is a gentleman, and very respectful even when he parks a ways away from the front of the store, so I can get some walking exercise!
He is a wonderful person and thinks of me first. He has taken excellent care of me through my health needs, an continues to make sure he takes my blood sugar levels morning afternoon and evening. It makes him feel needed and likes that I need him.
He is very giving and unselfish with his time. He works hours out in the yard when the weather is good. When I came from my laser surgery last week he worked out side while I slept and had the whole garden cleaned up and ready to plant. He keeps moving and ready to work. He gets a lot done too. Then he will come in and fix meals for us even is I am not unable to do for us. I do cook for him when he is very busy with things, and he appreciates all that too.
We often work together in the meal preparations. We complement each other. He does the frying of the fish, while I make a salad and set the table. He gets the beans ready to soak overnight and I will get the ready to cook in the crock the next day to have for our afternoon meal. A bowl of pinto beans with cottage cheese. I like to have butter on my beans. He like cottage cheese. He grew up having them like that. It is okay with me.
When I cut his hair, he insists on sweeping up the hair from his haircut. And he takes out the cutting tools and puts them away. Amazing, see, I told he was.
We went to Outback last week for our six month anniversary. We are also so glad that Michael is getting better too.
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