Grandma Mattie

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Evening Out at Aromatics Party

We were treated to dinner at Ron's work Christmas party.

They served Turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes, salad, yams, ham and prime rib. There was pumpkin pie and strawberry cheesecake. It was fun to meet Ron's co-workers and bosses. They were very kind and welcomed me to the dinner.

Ron is in the back row. He stands out in the group and only Gringo in that row.

They had an "Ugly Sweater contest." No kidding. Lots of peple decorated their sweaters, we did too. But the one who one, really did have an ugly sweater. No wonder he won. The prize was $100.

They had a $50 gift card exchange of a lot of restaurants, gift cards for gasoline, Sears, Macy's, other dept stores as well. Ours was a $50 gift card to choice of Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Longhorn Steak House. We look forward to going and redeem our gift card at Red Lobster.

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