Today I met a young mother who had such an aura about her. I could not help to notice her. She radiated something I do not see very often in my day to day experiences.
She was a patron in the temple. She was having a dry coughing fit. I went to get her a drink of water and a cough drop. She appreciated it and it seemed to help. She thanked me and we went on about our tasks.
Then, shortly after that I stood before her and all of a sudden a thought came to my mind to tell her something that I did not even know I would say before hand, that "You look like Jesus' sister." It even amazed me.
It was kind of strange thing to say to someone, but it was true! Her hairwas to her shoulders but pulled back a little which had a slight dark blond hue with red highlights, her color eyes were between blue and green. Her skin was kind of freckly, but she still glowed is all I can say to describe how she appeared to me. It was as if I could see inside her heart or soul and I felt a purity about her that was so sweet and beautiful. She had some makeup on, but it was very natural looking. It just enhanced her beauty.
She smiled and almost giggled when I told her who she reminded me. She said it was interesting that I said that to her, because she has a brother, that when he grows a beard people tell him he looks just like Jesus (too).
I laughed and only said back, "Well there you go. I was right!"
I smile when I think of this incident,
It made my day, really.
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