The other day, I received a text with a photo from my daughter, Tara of their van.
She and her family and been in an accident on the interstate, 1-15 around 5:00 pm.
They were hit from the rear and had been sitting still in traffic.
Not even five minutes before, one of the kids told Tara that Allie didn't have her seat belt on. Tara immediately had her buckle up. She had just done that when a few minutes later, booooooommmm, came the crash from behind.
Tara also mentioned how the week before one of the girls had gone in for a physical and the family practitioner had taken the time to talk, really talk to them, like a "dad" would to his own children.
Interestingly enough, he went into great length about how important it was for then to ALWAYS wear seat belts in the car to be safe. What an inspired doctor, looking after his patients like he would his own child.
I counted my blessings many times, for the safety of ALL my children and grands, greats that day for sure! I know, I pray morning and night for the protection and safety of my children and theirs each day. I know my prayers were heard.
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