Making choices between, good, better and best.
I really agonized over a devotional for temple workers this last week. It was scheduled for Sunday at 5:00 and 7:00 at a stake center about a mile from the temple in American Fork.
I had late church, then dinner at Hank & Lori’s. A couple in our ward had a farewell open house at their neighbor’s since they were moving this week. I had already attended a funeral on Saturday.
I was in guilt mode for perhaps choosing to miss the devotional while I had the thought come to my mind. It was to not stress over the scheduled day and the conflict I was having about it. It felt good to stay and have dinner with Hank’s family, then just go to the open house.
It was clear that I would have gotten just as much “lift” from the devotional as I would have at the funeral. There was beautiful music shared and the talks brought tears, wrenching my heart. We laughed and cried at the service I attended to on Saturday.
One of my friends from the temple informed me when I asked how it went, she said it was just lovely. There was music on the program and the temple president spoke.
The speaker was a former Seventy and now an emeritus, President Brown.
I felt at peace at what I had to choose to do and preserve my self to have no guilt in what I chose to do, ultimately. Some days, it is a hard choice between several good things. My cup was filled by attending Heather Christensen’s funeral. It was a loving tribute to her and her family sang songs and gave her a grand farewell. The band stood on each side of the steps and down into the parking lot playing some very mellow music as we all filed out of the building. The band had formed an honor guard for people to walk through. I noticed that no one wanted to leave the parking lot to hear the music, it sounded so wonderful. The Spirit was beautiful, almost anglic. It was an amazing experience and I am glad I chose to go and pay my last respects to this young (thirty-three year old) woman.
Are we not commanded to bear one an others' burdens?
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