How Glorious and Beautiful, The Nauvoo Temple
Today my granddaughter's, Sydney and Courtney performed in their sacrament meeting. Tara invited me to see and hear them play. Their Fryer grandparents were also invited and were there too. The song, How Great Thou Art," was accompanied by one of their ward neighbors and it sounded beautiful.
It was so sweet to hear my two grand daughters use their talents on the violin. The song went very well. Even though they played a duet, they had different parts of the song to play,like the melody and treble clefts. When it comes to music, I am so touch and the Holy Ghost bears witness to the sweetness of the Spirit.
It pleased me to be there and then attended Russ' Gospel Doctrine class. Tara said he had been called to teach the Gospel Doctrine class a few months ago. He did a great job in presenting the lesson on the Martyrdom of Joseph and Hiram Smith.

I remember going to the Carthage Jail and saw where the martyrdom occurred near Nauvoo, Illinois' It was in 2005 that i went with Tana and the kids through Nauvoo. We were going to Indianapolis and decided to go see Nauvoo on the way.

Historical site of CarthageJail where the martyrdom of Joseph & Hiram Smith
Well, it was kind of out of the way, but was worth the trip. It was my first time to see old Nauvoo remodeled like the original. The temple was beautiful. It was the high light of the trip.
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