My thoughts:
Life is not easy. Each day brings challenges to each of us. Whether we are parents, grandparents or children. It is a constant battle. Questions: How do we get through a day? Answer: One day at a time. It is best not to get too far ahead of oneself. Taking too much at one time can be overwhelming and the ‘road of life’ more or less gets bumpy on us. If a warning alarm were to figuratively go off, then would be that time!
We learn to walk by crawling. After we have gained our strength in our muscles we crawl until we have the strength for our legs to hold us up, and we become “toddlers.” Sometimes we are toddlers and don’t even know it when it comes to making decisions that effect us for the rest of our lives and eternity.
Our spiritual nature is the same way. We learn to cope with life’s challenges mostly as one reaches the age of young adulthood. That being said, those choices made during and shortly after that time have been known as the period of time that many (wise) decisions are in store and need to be addressed. There needs to be a base, a foundation to make the right choices from which we must prepare for and DO! The physical as well as the spiritual needs to be in sync, however, when the emotional age we are and the physical age are not in sync, the SPIRITUAL age suffers. There in a lack of congruence at this critical time that must be nurtured and need to reach inside oneself to stretch those ‘spiritual’ muscles to carry us through the next important stage of our lives by having solved those issues that come up in our lives.
We have a very important gift bestowed upon us that is a sure way to be guided and directed on the path to making those eternal decisions. It is the Holy Ghost. The greatest way for the Holy Ghost to help us to is be worthy of his presence and allow ourselves to listen to the still small voice that confirms to our heart and soul to make the right decisions no matter what those may be. The more we listen, the more will be given. Then on the other hand, if those promptings are ignored, we are on shaky ground and need to ground and center immediately to have any success in what we are doing.
The Book of Mormon, Holy Bible, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price are the standard works that have been given to us by holy prophets of God. We have a living ,latter-day prophet on the earth today who is also the resource we need to follow Jesus Christ to regain the promises of dwelling in HIS presence and worthy to be in his presence now. Standing in holy places is the solution to bringing us closer to our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
The Gospel is simply beautiful and beautifully simply. As long as we are listening and striving to do the right thing for the right reason, we will have that companionship as be drawn to doing and making the right decisions. We submit our will unto the Father and the Son, and receive the fruits of our own labor besides the innumerable blessings that come from being Obedient.
I find that reading the scriptures is my own way of having the closeness of the Spirit to be with me as I partake of the sacrament each week. I take notes (while reading and listening to the scriptures) in a Gospel Study Journal to make observations and take note of insights that come to mind as I pray and study. I have gained so much hope and comfort as I have had many challenges over the years as a parent in assisting my children to Come Unto Christ. I allowed my hand to be in their hands and found so much JOY as a parent. Reading the Book of Mormon with them increased my testimony as well as theirs. I found that I was given much help in my day as I counseled my children, each one individually many times. We had regular family prayers, morning and evening; and attended (all) our meetings each week. We functioned as one and I do not recall any opposition from any of my children when it came to attending Church. I and grateful I was so blessed that way. We had the sweetness of the GOSPEL in our home that brought us all closer as a family in those years of raising children with only the help of the Godhead to carry me through.
I took seriously the mission I had as a mother. When I was thrust into single parenthood, I know I could not have gotten through that on my own. I relied on the counsel in my Patriarchal blessing. It was my blueprint and Urim and Thummim. I was given many spiritual insights of what to do. I wrote in my journals, I listened and was greatly rewarded as my blessing promised. I was promised that if I would do and follow the counsel from the Holy Ghost and what I was given from my leaders, I would be blessed in raising my children the way God would want me to do. He kept his promise. I know he was aware and was and is always there for me when I went to them for guidance for each one, of my children to bless and help them in their lives. I took it a day at a time, and look over where I had been and marvel that God was always there for me. I attended the temploe regularly as counseled in my Patriarchal bless. I also fasted; when approaching insurmountable challenges-- I was comforted to know how to proceed.
I have a deep and abiding love for my Heavenly Father, his son, Jesus Christ my Savior and didn’t falter. I was given strength with spiritual muscles with my testimony and unwavering faith in Jesus Christ to tell me all things that I must do. II Nephi 31;20-21 also known as The doctrine of Christ.
I bear witness as anyone who seeks to know the mind and will of God, and trust his, and allow his will be done, we will ALWAYS make the right decisions and accept it.