This week for church, Tana and Nathan and their children happened to be in St George for a few days. they asked what time our church was so they had the opportunity to visit with us for sacrament meeting.
They arrived just as it started and sat next to us on the row we saved for them. We filled the whole row! All nine of us side by side. I marveled and enjoyed the site of seeing my daughter, Tana, Nathan and their children all dressed in their Sunday clothes. My heart was full of gratitude to see them and how sweet they all looked and glowed with the gospel image on their faces! I felt like a mother hen who had just gathered her chicks around me. ;)
I looked up and row the row and just appreciated so much to see them come with us that day. I felt like my mother might have felt seeing the same thing as I did. I had joy in my posterity at that very moment, through my tears of gratitude and all. Presley wanted to sit by Grandpa Ron, so we obliged and she was quite happy to be doodling on the sacrament program drawing over the face of President Spencer W Kimball with Grandpa's black pen.
When the meeting was over we stood a while chatting over what their plans were whether to stay or leave between Sunday School. Our bishop appeared all of a sudden and stood in the row ahead of us as he greeted each of us with a hand shake and smile introducing himself. He took some time to chit-chat and was interested in why they were there and what they were doing the next few days. He was familiar with Salem, UT where they lived and how the high school basketball team had played there at Salem Hills High School. He mentions that his priest age son plays for the local high school here in Hurricane.
It is amazing how fast the grandchildren grow and noticeable each time I see them. Time goes by so quickly and they don't stop growing!! They will be coming back to have dinner/BBQ with us before they go back after the boys participate in Basketball Camp at Dixie High in St. George this week.
It was a good meeting and we had a pleasant Sabbath day.