Grandma Mattie

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Scriptue Power

I can honestly say I can feel a difference in my day when I skip reading my scriptures in the morning! The day seems to go better when I read the Book of Mormon before I start the day. I started reading on a schedule I received in Relief Society. I started where I was and have kept up six days out of seven!

The scriptures are so uplifting and give me the needed personal revelation promised and needed. Some days just a simple resolution comes when I least expect it. I am so grateful for the guidance of the Holy Ghost as well.

There is power in staying the course and following the counsel of the Spirit from reading my scriptures. I see the blessings of making it a priority to pray each morning and evening together, reading the scriptures in seeking "first the kingdom of God."

Temple attendance is another way to seek first the kingdom of God over pleasure and bring to pass the blessings of immortality and Eternal Life for our kindred. I am amazed at how much more there is to be discovered in my family genealogy through I feel unseen hands guiding me and helping me find files, photos and remembering stories to write about my personal history and that of my children.

An interesting side note:

About two weeks ago I was watching on TV a special program that was in commemoration of the entertainer, Elvis Presley's birthday (January 8). He was doing his gyrations and singing ballads and love songs as so many have attempted to mimic over the years.His performance that was shown was some of his first shows in Las Vegas. I watched his manner and remembered that when he had died, my Tana was about four years old. Then months later there was something on TV about him, perhaps his birthday or the year mark of his death. Tana saw and heard who it was and knowing he had died asked me, "hs he been resurrected?"

What else might a four year old [with her Primary and Family Home Evening lessons] know about Easter and Christ's resurrection might think and say? She owned it and made me laugh at her innoent insight and her question about him looking like he was alive on TV and in fact be resurrected?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Old Fashioned Water Closet Toilet

Is it possible for me, to recollect some of the 'olden days?" i must hve been at east two years old and potty training. My grandmother's house on Pinto Street in San Antonio had a bathroom with an old fashioned water closet toilet. It was one tat had the tank up high over the toilet seat and up next to the ceiling.
My earliest memories are of my Aunt Celia who was about twenty years old standing in front of me while I sat on the toilet seat. I think she was just talking me through the process and encouraging me to potty in the toilet. I was terrified of when the toilet was flushed and the sound of the water flushing and making me think the water was going to come down on my head! The tank was wooden, made out of a dark stained wood.

The house was where my father grew up as a young boy after they moved to town from the cement plant where his father lived, at Portland Cement. His parents were separated for a lot of years from the time Carlos, my dad was about twele or thirteen years old. He said he took the separation quite hard, as did is mother, Cuquita. He told me that Nane as my grandmother was called would shake and cry and the kids had to hold her arms and hand down at her side so she wouldn't hurt herself out of grief of her and their children in the separation and eventual divorce.

i have a group picture of the family in 1931 to post soon.