Today I was invited to not one but TWO Primary sacrament meeting presentations. Our ward, thankfully had theirs a month ago. It went very well and I was so touched by the message that I asked for the script. Our ward has a small Primary, of less than thirty children. They all participated of course. I wrote thank you notes to the counselor who wrote it, and also to a few of the teachers. I know that without their support none of the Primary would function as it does.
This Sunday I had the privilege of going to son, Hank's ward, Sunset First Ward, Primary program. There must have been about 100 children in their Primary. Hank conducted and always has some uplifting thoughts to share as we prepare to take the sacrament and for the Primary children's program.
I noticed that he stayed up on the stand when the children all came up to the front. The stake presidency visitor offered Bp Hank his seat so his two older Primary age children K6, K7, could sit by their Dad. They loved it. I also noticed that Hank knew all of the songs and sang with the children. I thought that was commendable for their bishop to be as involved and participate. The Spirit was so sweet and strong, I felt it and notice Hank's eyes tear up that he had to take off his glasses several times too wipe away the tears. It was a richly blessed meeting with the songs and messages of "I Know That My Redeemer Lives!"
Later for the second invitation to attend Bountiful First Ward Primary sacrament presentation. I went with Kay C, my friend, to his daughter, Kara's ward, with his granddaughter participating. The theme is essentially the same, but the program is streamlined for the individual wards. It was also a spiritual feast. Children bring that sweet spirit to their songs and recitations. I observed the children sing a song about the Holy Ghost and all of them stood up to sing it and "signed" the entire song as they also sang the words. I loved it. It told me that their chorister must be someone who knows ASL and taught them how to sign and sing at the same time. I also felt what an impact the words and signing would have on them and make a deep imprint in their minds and hearts feeling the Spirit as they sang. I know I felt it.
There was also Kay's grandson's ordination to the office of priest. His dad, Richard gave him a very nice Father's blessing to David before the meeting since all the sets of grandparents were invited to attend the program presentation. They did the ordination before the meeting, and that made it so David could administer the sacrament for his first time. I complimented him on it after the meeting. He said he had practiced it a lot to be able to do a good job. He did indeed.
After the meeting we left and headed down to Utah County and had dinner with Hank and Lori and the family. Grandma Linda(and Lynn) prepared a wonderful meal of ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, broccoli and green salad, Rhodes rolls and homemade blackberry jam. Everyone enjoyed that and the new baby, Korbin was so good and slept on the couch most of the time while we ate. I was able to hold him during the morning sacrament meeting and shared time holding him with his other grandma, Linda.