Touching the Hand of God, Amazing feeling in Sacrament Meeting today. . .
Today our ward had the fifth Sunday, and the talks in sacrament meeting were parents of missionaries in the field. I was so uplifted, yet at the same time drained by the sweetness of the Spirit along with the emotions felt.
Talk after talked reminded me so much of the experiences my own missionaries had on their missions, and the letters received from them, were so like what was said in our meeting today.
I am forever grateful for the missionaries who came to my door to share the message and ask me if they could come back to teach me about the Church. I recall going to Temple Square the months prior to their coming to Garden Grove, California to bring me the message of truth that changed my life and those of my children and family.
It was no insignificant event. It opened so many doors and windows of understanding. I had no idea how my life would change over the many years since that miraculous event of becoming a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I must say this, that the missionaries who served at that time, were sent by inspiration. It came at a time that I was searching for truth, and wanted to embrace it for the rest of my life. How fortunate too, that my children have all followed suit;are strong and faithful. I am so blessed with my posterity. Five of the eight have served as missionaries.
My heart aches to have the opportunity to serve a mission with a worthy companion. I know not what the Lord has in store for me nor when to be able to go and serve as a missionary.